Thursday, July 22, 2010

A new page, in a new chapter in a whole new book in a different library!

2010 has been an incredibly confusing year for me so far. Happy and sad, bad and good, positive and negative. It's been an overwhelming whirlwind of utter chaos and it's only the beginning.
People don't realize how easily your life can completely change, until it happens to them. Your para dime can shift, literally in seconds.
I consider myself a citizen of the world. Literally. Growing up, my parents have always had this itch to move around, travel, relocate, start new- all in the hope and search of finding something better. Now that I am an adult, I find myself following in their footsteps. Moving from place to place every 3-4 years or so, always wondering how life is somewhere else. It's almost as if we just can't be happy in the place we are at.
Being a traveling baby and seeing various parts of the world at a young age has an incredible amount of advantages, don't get me wrong. I believe you grow up seeing the world in many perspectives. You build a respect for different cultures, ways of life and points of view. But in all this wonderful experience, I personally had a tendency to get confused with myself. Where did I truly belong? Here AND there? Or nowhere? Is it possible to call two different places home? And, if I'm here, why am I wishing I was there (and vice versa)?
My journey so far is traced from Los Angeles to Greece, back to LA and back to Greece, then off to Ohio and then here comes Las Vegas and now, Romania. As I mentioned before, this is only the beginning.
I'd love to meet other traveling babies to see how they feel about this. People who have lived in more than one different geographical place ( state, country- whichever!). I'd like to know their views on this particular matter.
Citizen of the world it is. :-)